Nov. 9, 1949 Mike Born
1949-1967 Penny grows up in the Sabini family
1949-1967 Mike grows up in the Strack family
Along the way they both develop unique talents
Spring 1967 They both graduate from high school
Later that school year, they meet. As things develop, they meet the families.
Oct.11, 1969 they marry.
They honeymooned in Niagra Falls.
Their first apartment they lived in for a very short time, and their second apartment was for very short people...
Next, they upgraded to a trailer, in Waterford, NY...
...and before they knew it, on July 9, 1974, Julie was born. Next, was the house in Saratoga, complete with bats.
Mike went to work for IBM in Kingston, New York.
Jan.3 1979 Danny was born and then there were four.
A year and a half later, on Sept. 12, 1980 Eddy was born.
Raleigh, North Carolina, in the days before global-warming.
1984 Mike's job took the family to Beaconsfield, England. This gave us the great opportunity to be tourists a lot and see Europe!
While on home-leave from England, we spent a month living across from Granny one summer.
1986 Back to Raleigh, North Carolina
1997 An adventure down under in Sydney, Australia
1999 Back to Round Rock, Texas
Oct.12 1999 Website Born
days since Penny's 50th birthday!
days since Mike's 50th birthday!!!!!!!!!