There were trepidations on the parts of the Stracks and
Sabini siblings when they met Penny and Mike, respectively.
Pete recalls: "...the first time i met penny, i was sitting in the living room on albany street in my
underwear. i think i was 10 or eleven. i was embarrased but i learned from chip at the wedding that i shouldn't have been as he went swimming and diving in his.................... "
And August related when Mike first came to the Sabinis. For some reason that is unclear
the boys were playing gypsies. They pulled up in a pea green boat, and Mike stepped out dressed in
freshly pressed Chinos and a freshly pressed shirt, and polished penny loafers with pennies, although Mike
claimed later that they were in fact dimes. The boys didn't know what to think, but later August and Mike
discovered that they could in fact have a conversation...